ROCKWiRED.COM's ARTiST OF THE MONTH!!! 1, 2012 - The polls have closed for ROCKWIRED.COM's recent ARTIST OF THE MONTH campaign. Voters from all over the U.S. made their vote count and HILLBILLY VEGAS and their latest release RINGO MANOR are the first ARTIST OF THE MONTH winners for 2012. SAL PIAMONTE may hail from the same hometown as ALANIS MORRISETTE and his vibe may capture some of his homegirl’s rebellious fire, but “TAKE ME HOME”—the blistering first single from the Ottawa born singer/songwriter’ latest album LIVES IN DEVIL CITY—puts the listener square in the heart of Alabama and Louisiana, where soul-driven Southern rock reigns. As hard hitting as the tunes are, the multi-faceted, dangerously catchy 13-track set (which is bookended by a clever “BIG SLEAZY” intro and outro) isn’t simply about celebrating PIAMONTE’s diverse array of influences and the many ways, as he puts it, “Rock and Roll rules my soul.” DEVIL CITY is a hard hitting metaphor for a place where disillusionment reigns, the people you thought you could count on let you down and everyone’s in it for themselves. PIAMONTE’s task throughout is rising above. He’s seen the devil in a flowered dress (“WHATCHA SAY?”) but in this struggle of good vs. evil, he’s not giving up just because of a few setbacks.  “I think the difference in the efforts leading up to my new record, and my new record itself, is that I became more confident and focused with my message, choice of lyrics and chord progressions, and honing my melodies,” he says. “For a long while, it was hard for me to balance my love for Top 40 music, southern styled rock and roll and soulful elements with my love for more straight up styled rock, I feel that a certain process was necessary to get to this point. I feel that rock allows me the freedom to express my message so as to maximize my positive impact on the world and the people around me.”

SAL PIAMONTE won with 29% of the vote followed by ENGLORIA who took home a close 26% of the vote. Trailing behind them at a close third with 24% of the vote was blues rocker ALASTAIR GREEN. Other nominees for ARTIST OF THE MONTH included JANETE LABELLE, SHAUNA BURNS, RICHI ONORI and JJ CROWNE.

ROCKWIRED.COM will be launching its latest ARTIST OF THE MONTH campaign on JANUARY 2, 2012. Nominees for this latest wave include UNTIL CHAOS, DRASTIC ANDREW, DONNA DESTRI, RIVET HEAD, SAVING DAMSELS, FIVE MINUTE SIN and THE PORTER DRAW. Polling is provided by MICROPOLL and is as simple as making a selection and clicking 'vote'.

While there is no trophy or huge payday for being an ARTIST OF THE MONTH winner, the benefits that come along with the title include expanded coverage and promotion. An ARTIST OF MONTH winner is awarded a month's worth of free site-wide advertising on ROCKWIRED.COM. A 60-second commercial spot promoting the winner and their album will be featured on ROCKWIRED.COM's entire programming for an entire month.  The winner is also featured in a special edition of ROCKWIRED RADIO PROFILES.  Banners are also given to the winners to further promote their ARTIST OF THE MONTH status on their own website or press packets. Lastly, winners are mentioned on all ROCKWIRED-related announcements/press materials.

"So far it is shaping up to be a good year for rock n roll here at ROCKWIRED" says ROCKWIRED founder BRIAN LUSH. "SAL PIAMONTE's got this great, rebellious sound and I hope that we see more of it in the year to come."

ROCKWIRED MEDIA LLC is the owner and publisher of ROCKWIRED.COM. The New Mexico-based firm also produces the online radio shows ROCKWIRED RADIO PROFILES, ABORIGINAL SOUNDS and JAZZED AND BLUE out of its studio ROCKWIRED SOUND. The firm was established in Southern California under the name BRIAN LUSH PRODUCTIONS back in 2004 until it had moved its base of operations to New Mexico in 2009. ROCKWIRED MEDIA is an American Indian owned business.